Tsinghua University (Department of Mechanics) & Chuangxin Laser Laser Advanced Manufacturing Joint Research Center was inaugurated

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Tsinghua University (Department of Mechanics) & Chuangxin Laser Laser Advanced Manufacturing Joint Research Center was inaugurated

On July 29, the opening ceremony of the "Tsinghua University (Department of Mechanics) - Shenzhen Chuangxin Laser Co., LTD. Joint Research Center for Advanced Laser Manufacturing" (hereinafter referred to as the "Joint Research Center") was held in Li Shau Kee Science and Technology Building. Professor Zheng Li, Vice President of Tsinghua University, and Mr. Jiang Feng, Chairman and general manager of Chuangxin Laser, jointly unveiled the Joint Research Center. Leaders and experts from both sides witnessed the unveiling ceremony. The unveiling ceremony was presided over by Jiang Jingkun, vice president of the Research Institute of Tsinghua University.

Vice President Zheng Li delivered a speech at the opening ceremony and congratulated the establishment of the Joint Research Center. Laser technology is an extremely important key core technology, basic technology and leading technology. This cooperation is an attempt by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University to jointly innovate between production and education. The Department of Mechanical Engineering will solve the problem of jam based on basic research of related disciplines, combined with market application and engineering practice, promote the development of advanced laser manufacturing in China, and contribute to the country's high-quality development and manufacturing power strategy. The establishment of the joint research center represents the beginning of closer cooperation between the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University and Chuangxin Laser, and the two sides will work together in the field of technology research and development, application innovation, talent training and application of results in the field of laser advanced manufacturing. The establishment of the joint research center is expected to combine scientific research and engineering practice, give play to the advantages of both sides, promote basic research, solve major engineering problems, produce an independent and controllable industrial common technology foundation, lay the foundation for the sustainable development of laser advanced manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing, and establish an innovation system for the research and development of key common technologies in laser advanced manufacturing. We will promote results sharing and application promotion. It is also hoped that graduate students, especially those with professional degrees, can participate in the research of the Joint research Center, so as to cultivate high-level talents in laser engineering applications.

Subsequently, Jiang Feng, chairman and general manager of Chuangxin Laser, made a speech. He first thanked Tsinghua teachers for their support in preparing for the joint research center, stressing that Tsinghua University supports private enterprises in the critical period of the development of China's science and technology and high-end manufacturing industry, and works together to create a new model of collaborative development of "production, university and research", which has a far-reaching impact on the development of the laser industry as a whole. China's economic structure is undergoing high-quality development transformation, and the laser processing equipment industry belongs to the high-end technology manufacturing industry, which is adapted to the growing demand for automated and intelligent production models in the manufacturing industry. With the economic jump and the in-depth implementation of the national strategy, the domestic laser manufacturers represented by Chuangxin Laser have persisted in technological innovation and research and development, and have achieved comprehensive catch-up in many aspects, especially in the field of ultra-high power fiber lasers. Let more Chinese enterprises can afford and use the laser, the best tool knife, to realize our long-cherished wish of "laser China core". However, facing the broader and more diversified laser application scenarios in the future, as well as the rapidly growing industrial demand, it is urgent to supplement the advanced theoretical guidance of optics and the cutting-edge application research of laser. Chuangxin Laser is proud to cooperate with Tsinghua University to conduct forward-looking research and jointly build a world-class laser advanced manufacturing research and development center. It is hoped that the joint research center can base on the actual development of the industry, face the national strategic needs and the forefront of laser science and technology, and strive to create a "highland" of laser application innovation, empower China's laser advanced manufacturing, and actively promote the global influence of China's laser construction industry.

After the unveiling ceremony, the Management Committee of the Joint Research Centre held its first meeting, chaired by Professor Wang Jiadao, Director of the Management Committee. Professor Zhou Ming, director of the Joint Research Center, introduced the construction of the joint research center, and the meeting reviewed and approved the constitution and work plan of the Joint research center, and clarified the construction purpose and research content of the joint research center. During the operation of the Joint research Center, the two sides should adhere to the correct value orientation of unity, strengthen cross-border integration, and jointly promote the research of basic theories and key technologies in the field of laser advanced manufacturing.

On the afternoon of the same day, the two sides jointly hosted the "China Laser Innovation Future" 2023 laser Advanced Manufacturing Summit Forum. Wang Jiadao, dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering and director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University, attended the forum as a guest and delivered a speech. Zhang Qingmao, director of the Laser Processing Committee of the Chinese Optical Society, Wang Zhaohua, researcher of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yang Yatao, chairman and general manager of Dade Laser, Professor Zhou Ming of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University, and Li Liheng, general manager of Huanri Laser, made academic reports respectively, discussing the research and industry status and future development of laser advanced manufacturing.

During the forum also held the launch ceremony of Chuangxin Laser North Research and Development Center (hereinafter referred to as "North Research"), Chuangxin Laser chairman and general manager Jiang Feng said that the establishment of North research is a milestone in the development history of the company, the goal is to build it into the largest and most complete industrial laser application center in northern China, and become the benchmark in the laser field. With the opportunity of cooperation with Tsinghua University, the company should use North Research to feed the entire innovation, continue to consolidate its core technology and key products, and continue to stay ahead. Through the energy saved by Beiyan, it helps domestic manufacturing equipment to transform from "metal hard tools" to "laser digital tools", leads a new round of laser processing equipment to develop from general and extensive equipment to precision and high-end, and reverses the situation of overseas monopoly of high-end industrial equipment.

More than 60 people from the Department of Mechanics of Tsinghua University, Chuangxin Laser, and representatives of industry institutions attended the unveiling ceremony and forum.